I am trying to write an arexx script that will read a scene file, memorize the
objects of the file, and their corresponding key frames. The program will then
memorize the key frames as an "action". It will read a few other files with the same
objects but with different keyframes, and will also remember these as "actions".
0nce it has read 2 or three or 6 or 21 of these "action files", It will have built up
a vocabulary of "actions" for the specific group of objects. Next, within this program,it will ask for a list of actions in a chronological order. From this list, and the
memorized "action" key frames it will write a composite scene file. This file is just a
compilation of the same objects with groups of key frames shifted to fit
one after the other. Is this clear?
1) You set up a scene file with a complex Mech object.
With a whole bunch of parented objects/lights all with different envelopes
2) Set up frames 1->60 to be one full walk cycle
and save the scene as"mech_walk"
3) Clear all keys
4) Set up frames 1-> 30 so that the mech fires a missle;
save the scene as"mech_missle"
5) Clear all keys
6) Set up frames 1-> 30 so that the mech raises its arms in victory;
save the scene as"mech_victory"
7) Now you go out to a shell an run this program/script
and have it read all the files you saved.
8) Now the script has a 3 word vocabulary of "walk, missle, victory"